I realize I have deprived everyone of what they crave most the last couple weeks, AIDEN PIX! I am truly sorry, but now that
Virginia Woolf and I have decided to go our separate ways, I am happy to catch you all up. Even though I haven't been able to tell all his stories, I have been getting some good snap shots....
Anticipating His FROYO! |
One of the best days of the month for Aiden and I is COSTCO DAY! I go once a month to pick up the bulk things we need (diapers, frozen meat, paper towels, etc.) and the reward for Aiden (besides the one toy he usually gets) is a frozen yogurt from the little snack vendor they have. Not that I don't like it too...
This was the first time he didn't wait for me to feed it to him. |
He took matters into his own hands on our last trip, and while I was enjoying a snack, he commandeered my frozen yogurt. This was the face I got when I asked, "Whadaryadoin???"
But Mom....FROYO! |
Since I have been in school for four hours a day, I've been staying late at work to keep up. This means I've averaged about an hour a night with Bubba, so I've been trying to make them all count.
Aiden really gets a kick out of playing "The Dot Game" with Kane but because he is so small and Kane is such a dinosaur, Aiden usually gets totally run over when he tries to help Kane catch the dot. Now that he's getting a little older he understands how to work the laser-pointer on his own so we let him control the dot for Kane. I thought for sure one night last week that Kane was going to go through the wall....
Silly Kane.... |
Aiden is also officially 29 months old as of this weekend...that means the one month count down is on until he starts pre-school. So, he is soaking up as much quality time with Papa Cormack as possible. I make it sound really traumatic for both of them but really they will still have a solid 2-3 days a week together. This is just so Aiden gets the benefit of hanging out with other kids and Papa gets the benefits of extended nap time and a couple days a week that have nothing to do with the McDonald's Play Place.
Aiden and I have had very busy weekends too, places to go and people to see everywhere. Including his new best buddy...Charlie. At Red Robin last weekend he was more interested in giving baby Charlie stickers than he was eating his corn dogs...surprise surprise....
When we got home and I gave him the sticker book to put away on his bookshelf, he asked me where the baby was. So. Sweet. I told Carlye that we will definitely be sending baby Charlie stickers once he is moved back home.
Aiden got some new big boy bed sheets - I decided to part with the baby ducks and froggies (until he wets the bed) and let him upgrade - as soon as his room is clean I'll show you pictures. Since we got new sheets I rearranged his room too, nice little switch up for Summer, and when I moved the crib to show him there were in fact NO MONSTERS behind, under, or near the bed he of course went directly to where it was moved to, pointed to the corner and said, "MONSTERS!"
I guess the monsters are attached to the crib?? I don't know....
Oh, and Steve says hi! |