Week 2 was an awesome success, considering it was Easter this weekend and all...
Percentage lost: 2.5%
In Pounds: 3.5
Money Stashed: $17.50
I don't want to give the flu too much credit but I assume it was a factor unfortunately. However, I choose to give the majority of credit to the Week 3 Challenge which I started last week.
Become a member of Livestrong.com - they help you track your exercise, tell you how much work you're doing with each activity, let you build work-outs, they even have "kissing" as a form of calorie loss! They compare it with the food you report in so you get a net weight gain every day.
Best part is, you tell them your goal, for me I wanted to lose 1.5% body weight per week til I reach my goal and they told me how many calories a day I can have to achieve it. Awesomely enough, they recognize so many foods that you not only track your calories for the day but your sodium and nutrient and protein intakes. This way you should see where you waste calories on unhealthy foods and can enjoy more throughout the day if you are eating a balanced diet. It's pretty freakin sweet!
As I mentioned, you report your exercise too so they subtract from your calorie intake based on how much movin and shakin you're doing - turns out I get to eat lots more goodies on the days I chase Aiden around :)
If you're following along or not, I highly recommend you check it out. If nothing else, it is really cool to see the nutrition values of what you eat regularly and to see the trending for particular foods. Also, if you're in a work-out slump, they have a million and one ideas, just click "Fitness."
The life and musings of a girl who finds herself continually and hopelessly stuck with the boys. As a mom, student, and full time desk jockey - I perpetually find myself out-numbered by the men in my life, but never out-smarted, out-witted, or out-lasted.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
In a Movie Rut...
Lately, I have sort of been floundering where movies are concerned. To me, a good movie can be just as rewarding as a good book, but the last thing that saw that really grabbed me had to have been over a month ago...(Monsters -->)
Granny O Grimm's Sleeping Beauty (about 6 minutes long)
Anyway, the last few things I've watched have only been so-so (How do you know? Hereafter, Source Code, Remember Me, etc) that's not to say I haven't been entertained, but just not satisfied.
On the plus side, I am about to start watching the first and as I am told, "EPIC!" season of Walking Dead. Until then, I found some delectable treasures to hold me over! If you can't get to all of them, I highly recommend:
Granny O Grimm's Sleeping Beauty (about 6 minutes long)
Alma (5 minutes - creepy!)
Bunny Animation (about 4 minutes)
The whole set of them is at this link if you want to watch all 15:
Monday, April 25, 2011
An Eggcellent Adventure
Aiden got a wonderful helping of Easter fun on Saturday at the children's museum. I don't think I have ever been before - certainly, I would have remembered such an awesome place. Minus the train room, this place is a parent's dream, and the train room really isn't so bad other than the fact that Aiden knows where it is by memory and refuses to leave once he sits at a train table. Oh, and the sharing factor between kids in the train room is sub-par but that's just me complaining about other people's parenting skills....
Anyway, he had such a blast. We played for such a long time outside with the bubble machine.
(Please enjoy the conversation that Maria and I are having in the background - or turn your sound off if you don't want to listen to us talk about cameras and hair..whatever)
And I kept hoping (against hope) that he would want to take a picture with the giant fluffy bunny, nope. I settled for some photos with the Easter bunny in the background though, who needs a screaming kid?

I did get a picture of him *nearly* petting a real bunny though!

I did get a picture of him *nearly* petting a real bunny though!
When we went inside, there were so many things for kiddos to do, I was astounded!
Aiden got to paint
And he went fishing....
And most exciting - they have a little supermarket - for kids. It is uncanny the way those kids know what to do. Aiden, my little mischief maker, cut in line, stole someone else's groceries, and very methodically stole someone's cart all together!! It was hilarious...
We had such a fun day, unfortunately I spent the evening and most of Easter not feeling well. But Aiden knows how to make me feel better - today, he asked if he could go pee (while at Grandpa's house) and then he went to the big toilet (we don't use training potties because they are stupid) and took off his pants and diaper, sat on the toilet and went pee.
He can brighten any day :)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Kindred Spirit
I happened upon this today (from themonicabird.com) and it stole my breath away completely. I felt like I was looking directly into a mirror...
"Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes. She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve.
Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag.She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.
She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. Lost in a world of the author’s making. Sit down. She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. Ask her if she likes the book.
Buy her another cup of coffee.
Let her know what you really think of Murakami. See if she got through the first chapter of Fellowship. Understand that if she says she understood James Joyce’s Ulysses she’s just saying that to sound intelligent. Ask her if she loves Alice or she would like to be Alice.
It’s easy to date a girl who reads. Give her books for her birthday, for Christmas and for anniversaries. Give her the gift of words, in poetry, in song. Give her Neruda, Pound, Sexton, Cummings. Let her know that you understand that words are love. Understand that she knows the difference between books and reality but by god, she’s going to try to make her life a little like her favorite book. It will never be your fault if she does.
She has to give it a shot somehow.
Lie to her. If she understands syntax, she will understand your need to lie. Behind words are other things: motivation, value, nuance, dialogue. It will not be the end of the world.
Fail her. Because a girl who reads knows that failure always leads up to the climax. Because girls who understand that all things will come to end. That you can always write a sequel. That you can begin again and again and still be the hero. That life is meant to have a villain or two.
Why be frightened of everything that you are not? Girls who read understand that people, like characters, develop. Except in the Twilightseries.
If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She’ll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are.
You will propose on a hot air balloon. Or during a rock concert. Or very casually next time she’s sick. Over Skype.
You will smile so hard you will wonder why your heart hasn’t burst and bled out all over your chest yet. You will write the story of your lives, have kids with strange names and even stranger tastes. She will introduce your children to the Cat in the Hat and Aslan, maybe in the same day. You will walk the winters of your old age together and she will recite Keats under her breath while you shake the snow off your boots.
Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable. If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you’re better off alone. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads.
Or better yet, date a girl who writes."
Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag.She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.
She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. Lost in a world of the author’s making. Sit down. She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. Ask her if she likes the book.
Buy her another cup of coffee.
Let her know what you really think of Murakami. See if she got through the first chapter of Fellowship. Understand that if she says she understood James Joyce’s Ulysses she’s just saying that to sound intelligent. Ask her if she loves Alice or she would like to be Alice.
It’s easy to date a girl who reads. Give her books for her birthday, for Christmas and for anniversaries. Give her the gift of words, in poetry, in song. Give her Neruda, Pound, Sexton, Cummings. Let her know that you understand that words are love. Understand that she knows the difference between books and reality but by god, she’s going to try to make her life a little like her favorite book. It will never be your fault if she does.
She has to give it a shot somehow.
Lie to her. If she understands syntax, she will understand your need to lie. Behind words are other things: motivation, value, nuance, dialogue. It will not be the end of the world.
Fail her. Because a girl who reads knows that failure always leads up to the climax. Because girls who understand that all things will come to end. That you can always write a sequel. That you can begin again and again and still be the hero. That life is meant to have a villain or two.
Why be frightened of everything that you are not? Girls who read understand that people, like characters, develop. Except in the Twilightseries.
If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She’ll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are.
You will propose on a hot air balloon. Or during a rock concert. Or very casually next time she’s sick. Over Skype.
You will smile so hard you will wonder why your heart hasn’t burst and bled out all over your chest yet. You will write the story of your lives, have kids with strange names and even stranger tastes. She will introduce your children to the Cat in the Hat and Aslan, maybe in the same day. You will walk the winters of your old age together and she will recite Keats under her breath while you shake the snow off your boots.
Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable. If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you’re better off alone. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads.
Or better yet, date a girl who writes."
I know I have been posting a lot and I am sorry but this felt too amazing not to share.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Never a dull moment
Friday night was pretty funny at our house....
Since this is so blurry (because I was laughing hysterically) here is an equally pathetic/pee your pants funny video of Aiden's predicament....
Healthiest Loser Week 2
I feel like a slacker! I have about 4 blog drafts saved right now with everything (pictures, funny stories, etc) that I know some certain Grandparents are dying to see!! Unfortunately, I seem to have trouble uploading videos at work so I am hoping to resolve the issue today and if not maybe tonight after school...
In the meantime - yesterday was the beginning of week 2 (out of 8) for my healthiest loser challenge. I didn't do as well as I had hoped the first week, I met my goals only half way, yikes. On the positive side though, I was constantly thinking about them. Having my goals written down, near by, wearing a reminder bracelet and tracking my success makes me feel a little bit accomplished.
I have started each morning with a full glass of water, hoping to work up to 3 by the end of the 8 weeks because this helps jump start your system, makes you feel fuller and contributes to your 8 glasses a day in a big way. Also, tons of water is good for your skin and it is almost the ditch the make up time of year (I wore make up 3 days total last summer!)
This weeks challenge is to maintain your goals, keep focused, and find out what your strengths are, literally.
Sit Ups Test - How many (legit) sit ups can you do in 60 seconds?
Record the number for retest at the end of the 8 weeks:
1 Minute Sit Up Test (Women)
Age 18-25
Excellent >43
Good 37-43
Above average 33-36
Average 29-32
Below Average 25-28
Poor 18-24
Very Poor <18
Push Ups Test - How many (LEGIT) push ups can you do in 60 seconds?
Record the number for retest at the end of the 8 weeks
Ratings for Women (Modified Pushups), based on Age *this allows us girls to use our knees if we want
Age 20-29
Excellent >48
Good 34-48
Average 17-33
Poor 6-16
Very Poor < 6
12 minute walk or run
How much distance can you cover in this time, warm up for 5 minutes before starting
Walking is fine but will lower your score significantly
____1600 m (walking)______
Female - Cooper 12 Minute Test Results
Age 20-29
Excellent >2700m
Above average 2200-2700m
Average 1800-2199m
Below Average 1500-1799m
Poor <1500m
As you will notice all my scores are blank, I'm hoping to get these scores all plugged in by Thursday night, if you all promise not to laugh!
I just didn't want anyone who was following along to miss out or be held up with their own healthiest loser program.
Anyway, since I am reporting in - the inevitable begins...my progress after week one:
Weight Loss Percentage: .075%
In Pounds: 1 lb
Money Stashed Away: $5
I am happy with my week one results but to achieve my goals in 7 more weeks I need to really get focused and aim for 1.5% a week.
Happy crunching everyone!
Oh by the way, I got a jumpstart on Week 3 - it is really cool! Can't wait to share it next week :)
In the meantime - yesterday was the beginning of week 2 (out of 8) for my healthiest loser challenge. I didn't do as well as I had hoped the first week, I met my goals only half way, yikes. On the positive side though, I was constantly thinking about them. Having my goals written down, near by, wearing a reminder bracelet and tracking my success makes me feel a little bit accomplished.
I have started each morning with a full glass of water, hoping to work up to 3 by the end of the 8 weeks because this helps jump start your system, makes you feel fuller and contributes to your 8 glasses a day in a big way. Also, tons of water is good for your skin and it is almost the ditch the make up time of year (I wore make up 3 days total last summer!)
This weeks challenge is to maintain your goals, keep focused, and find out what your strengths are, literally.
Sit Ups Test - How many (legit) sit ups can you do in 60 seconds?
Record the number for retest at the end of the 8 weeks:
1 Minute Sit Up Test (Women)
Age 18-25
Excellent >43
Good 37-43
Above average 33-36
Average 29-32
Below Average 25-28
Poor 18-24
Very Poor <18
Push Ups Test - How many (LEGIT) push ups can you do in 60 seconds?
Record the number for retest at the end of the 8 weeks
Ratings for Women (Modified Pushups), based on Age *this allows us girls to use our knees if we want
Age 20-29
Excellent >48
Good 34-48
Average 17-33
Poor 6-16
Very Poor < 6
12 minute walk or run
How much distance can you cover in this time, warm up for 5 minutes before starting
Walking is fine but will lower your score significantly
____1600 m (walking)______
Female - Cooper 12 Minute Test Results
Age 20-29
Excellent >2700m
Above average 2200-2700m
Average 1800-2199m
Below Average 1500-1799m
Poor <1500m
As you will notice all my scores are blank, I'm hoping to get these scores all plugged in by Thursday night, if you all promise not to laugh!
I just didn't want anyone who was following along to miss out or be held up with their own healthiest loser program.
Anyway, since I am reporting in - the inevitable begins...my progress after week one:
Weight Loss Percentage: .075%
In Pounds: 1 lb
Money Stashed Away: $5
I am happy with my week one results but to achieve my goals in 7 more weeks I need to really get focused and aim for 1.5% a week.
Happy crunching everyone!
Oh by the way, I got a jumpstart on Week 3 - it is really cool! Can't wait to share it next week :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Being this busy means Summer is almost here!
We had quite the houseful this weekend! Aiden and I spent all morning Saturday getting ready for Grandpa's Birthday Party. We went to the party store for decorations and silly hats, we went to the grocery store for burgers and cake and of course, because I am a procrastinator, we had to find a birthday present.
Showing Aunt B what's what |
Ok, here's a question for you.... |
How many men does it take to drive a power wheels?? |
Getting some steering advice from Grandpa |
Ready for the rough terrain |
Trying to figure out the reverse/forward switch |
Anyway, he was exhausted by the end of the day he had so much fun showing off for everyone. When our friends from the lake showed up he even went so far as to try taking his 4 wheeler vertically up the hill...
But he was thwarted again by the darn reverse/forward shifter...
He also go some quality slide time in at the park while everyone was playing softball and then he crashed hard at bedtime - the key to sleeping babies is lots of running around before hand ;) After Aiden was down, we had even more BBQ and best of all, s'mores!! It was some miracle that our house was empty by 11 pm that's for sure.
Well, here is to another full week!!
And here are some cute pics to keep you goin!
Playing with our Sponge Bob bubbles |
this stuff is tricky! |
Happy Birthday Papa! |
Aiden lovin on Dex |
Poor Dex |
Spring time seems to be the most hectic for me - and bitter sweetly so. There are so many birthdays and of course school finishing up before summer. But I also pause quite often to note how much change each Spring brings. It add a year onto the loss of loved ones. It brings warm and more importantly, light, evenings which make me remember laying in bed as a child thinking, "if the sun is out, why am I in bed?"
If only I could have savored those moments more as a kid and held on the restfulness of my younger self a little while longer...but nothing stays the same. Life is but change in motion, we can't slow down and we can't go back, and unfortunately my baby won't stop growing.
If only I could have savored those moments more as a kid and held on the restfulness of my younger self a little while longer...but nothing stays the same. Life is but change in motion, we can't slow down and we can't go back, and unfortunately my baby won't stop growing.
Monday, April 18, 2011
My baby is now a dirty, bleeding, rough and tumble boy
And he has the scars to prove it....
Poor kid, after nearly decapitating himself in the back yard Saturday, we decided to branch out to the park.
He rolled his bike (while still on it) down a hill, taking a beautiful layer of skin off his knee (he won't let you see it in the picture because he thought it was too yucky).
Then he gave the swings a try - this is huge because he used to be terrified and scream if I took him near. Well he took a tumble and landed on his head, but he got right up and dusted off and got back on. When he was playing with the gravel and dirt directly under the swing though, the wind gusted up and knocked him square in the eye with the swing.
He insisted on putting his helmet on to ride home even though he was dripping blood the entire way.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Help me win!!
hey all!!! If you are on facebook - which you really should be this day and age...
Go to the page "University Visitor's Network" and click "like"
If I get more people than anyone else in the office to do so I get some mooolah!!
Here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/University-Visitors-Network/113027722084935
Thank you thank you thank you!
Go to the page "University Visitor's Network" and click "like"
If I get more people than anyone else in the office to do so I get some mooolah!!
Here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/University-Visitors-Network/113027722084935
Thank you thank you thank you!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
focus on the positive
Before I begin - I feel it important to remind anybody who is reading - the 30 days of truth challenge is not an aim to change anyone else or myself. I aim to be honest, if that may be a problem for you, walk away now.
Why are some of these prompts/questions so negative? I can not for the life of me say who I would single out and name in a public manner as someone who treated me like shit. Not because the choices are numerous or the crimes so complex, but because I just don't care. Further more, anyone who chose and fixated on a person relating to themselves in this way after reading "Day 8" -- probably has too much time on their hands.
I instead choose to take this time to reflect on the person I have grown into, who would never name someone out loud that was so evil to me, because it just doesn't help the situation. *Pats self on back*
Also, if you are struggling to let go in some way of some monstrosity that you feel was done to you by one such person, I want to take this time to urge you to let it go. How much energy and emotion do you waste being so angry and so mean spirited? If you really have the extra effort to put into this task, please call me and you can babysit a couple hours, help me with flash cards, wash my laundry, send some ad proofs for me...you choose. Point is, living well is the best revenge.
I wish there was a way to tell all the angry people - perhaps they should care as much as the mean people cared about them...that is not at all. It is liberating.
Now, go forth. Be happy. Make yourself busy. Make your self a cake. Throw a party. Celebrate your accomplishments, big and small. Clean your house. Get a pet. Pet a cow in a petting zoo. Take a trip to the zoo. Be adventurous. Be selfish with your emotions - save them for your desires, your passions, and your bright tomorrows.
Let. Go.
and this is really funny....
Why are some of these prompts/questions so negative? I can not for the life of me say who I would single out and name in a public manner as someone who treated me like shit. Not because the choices are numerous or the crimes so complex, but because I just don't care. Further more, anyone who chose and fixated on a person relating to themselves in this way after reading "Day 8" -- probably has too much time on their hands.
I instead choose to take this time to reflect on the person I have grown into, who would never name someone out loud that was so evil to me, because it just doesn't help the situation. *Pats self on back*
Also, if you are struggling to let go in some way of some monstrosity that you feel was done to you by one such person, I want to take this time to urge you to let it go. How much energy and emotion do you waste being so angry and so mean spirited? If you really have the extra effort to put into this task, please call me and you can babysit a couple hours, help me with flash cards, wash my laundry, send some ad proofs for me...you choose. Point is, living well is the best revenge.
I wish there was a way to tell all the angry people - perhaps they should care as much as the mean people cared about them...that is not at all. It is liberating.
Now, go forth. Be happy. Make yourself busy. Make your self a cake. Throw a party. Celebrate your accomplishments, big and small. Clean your house. Get a pet. Pet a cow in a petting zoo. Take a trip to the zoo. Be adventurous. Be selfish with your emotions - save them for your desires, your passions, and your bright tomorrows.
Let. Go.
and this is really funny....
if you need a pick-me-up, check out bluntcard.com
Monday, April 11, 2011
Something new for me
I have been, what's the word...inspired? Enticed? Coerced? Into a new challenge.
Steve's mom is participating in "The Healthiest Loser" challenge through work, and she is so excited about it that she is expanding it as far as she can, which is awesome. I feel if you're going to have success you need support, so this is really cool to hear. While we were out to (a low cal) lunch today, she started telling me about it. I got really intrigued by all the focus the program puts on life balance and goal setting. So when she asked if I wanted to do it to, I asked if she would send it to me for me to look at. Next thing I know, I have 2 weeks worth of challenges and goals to set. I guess I'm doin it!
Week 1 begins tomorrow for me - but I had to go through some major paperwork today and important pointers.
For Goal Setting-
1. It is important to make sure your goal is something you really want, not just something that sounds good.
2. My goal can't contradict any of my other goals.
3. You should write your goals in the positive, not the negative.
4. Write your goals in complete details.
5. Most important is to simply write your goals.
There is also a lot of focus, as I mentioned, on life balance:
Build small breaks into your day.
Be willing to ask for help.
Use all of your vacation days.
Seek out time-stretching options.
Practice saying "no."
Ok, here we go....
Goal Setting/Life Balance Worksheet
My Goals for the healthiest loser program:
1. Lose 10 lbs - weigh 125lbs -- I will achieve this goal by June 7, 2011
Steps I will take to achieve this goal: a. eat better, b. exercise 3 times a week
2. Re-shape my abs -- I will achieve this goal by June 7, 2011
Steps I will take to achieve this goal: a. doing crunches 4xs a week x100 each time, b. doing reverse crunches 4xs a week x100 each time
3. Reduce my risk of diabetes -- I will achieve this goal by June 7, 2011
Steps I will take to achieve this goal: a. Only one Starbucks a week/drink more water, b. Cut sugar intake significantly
Life Balance:
Level of Satisfaction Desired Level In 8 Weeks
I want to achieve these goals because : I've been complacent about my "fitness" and weight and I want to see a change. Diabetes has recently become a concern for me so I want to eliminate it as quick as I can
I will increase my satisfaction levels by : making more time for myself by giving and allowing small breaks for myself throughout the day. I will also say "no" when I can't handle other people problems and I will expect others to shoulder as much responsibility as I do. I will prioritize the things that I want and need to get done.
My mental health worksheet feels pretty private as I fill it out, so I will just say that support, relaxation, lifestyle, and personal interests are important. As is loving yourself from the inside out.
6 Weight loss tips:
1. Scan and plan - know what your food plan is and when to expect temptation
2. Tweak your sleep schedule - your diet doesn't take a break on the weekends
3. Invent incentives - put aside money for every pound you use and save it for a reward when you reach your goal
4. Remind yourself - wear a bracelet or carry an inspirational quote in your wallet that is significant of your goals
5. Find Support
6. Commit
5 Food habits to kick:
1. Rushing through your meal
2. Eating as multitasking
3. Eating because you are bored or stressed
4. Cleaning your plate
5. Always having meat as your main course
If anyone wants to participate let me know and I'll pass along the paperwork and share the websites with you -- Looking forward to swimsuit season :)
Steve's mom is participating in "The Healthiest Loser" challenge through work, and she is so excited about it that she is expanding it as far as she can, which is awesome. I feel if you're going to have success you need support, so this is really cool to hear. While we were out to (a low cal) lunch today, she started telling me about it. I got really intrigued by all the focus the program puts on life balance and goal setting. So when she asked if I wanted to do it to, I asked if she would send it to me for me to look at. Next thing I know, I have 2 weeks worth of challenges and goals to set. I guess I'm doin it!
Week 1 begins tomorrow for me - but I had to go through some major paperwork today and important pointers.
For Goal Setting-
1. It is important to make sure your goal is something you really want, not just something that sounds good.
2. My goal can't contradict any of my other goals.
3. You should write your goals in the positive, not the negative.
4. Write your goals in complete details.
5. Most important is to simply write your goals.
There is also a lot of focus, as I mentioned, on life balance:
Build small breaks into your day.
Be willing to ask for help.
Use all of your vacation days.
Seek out time-stretching options.
Practice saying "no."
Ok, here we go....
Goal Setting/Life Balance Worksheet
My Goals for the healthiest loser program:
1. Lose 10 lbs - weigh 125lbs -- I will achieve this goal by June 7, 2011
Steps I will take to achieve this goal: a. eat better, b. exercise 3 times a week
2. Re-shape my abs -- I will achieve this goal by June 7, 2011
Steps I will take to achieve this goal: a. doing crunches 4xs a week x100 each time, b. doing reverse crunches 4xs a week x100 each time
3. Reduce my risk of diabetes -- I will achieve this goal by June 7, 2011
Steps I will take to achieve this goal: a. Only one Starbucks a week/drink more water, b. Cut sugar intake significantly
Life Balance:
Level of Satisfaction Desired Level In 8 Weeks
Exercise 4 8
Nutrition 6 8
Sleep 6 8
Mind/Body 8 10
Nutrition 6 8
Sleep 6 8
Mind/Body 8 10
I want to achieve these goals because : I've been complacent about my "fitness" and weight and I want to see a change. Diabetes has recently become a concern for me so I want to eliminate it as quick as I can
I will increase my satisfaction levels by : making more time for myself by giving and allowing small breaks for myself throughout the day. I will also say "no" when I can't handle other people problems and I will expect others to shoulder as much responsibility as I do. I will prioritize the things that I want and need to get done.
My mental health worksheet feels pretty private as I fill it out, so I will just say that support, relaxation, lifestyle, and personal interests are important. As is loving yourself from the inside out.
6 Weight loss tips:
1. Scan and plan - know what your food plan is and when to expect temptation
2. Tweak your sleep schedule - your diet doesn't take a break on the weekends
3. Invent incentives - put aside money for every pound you use and save it for a reward when you reach your goal
4. Remind yourself - wear a bracelet or carry an inspirational quote in your wallet that is significant of your goals
5. Find Support
6. Commit
5 Food habits to kick:
1. Rushing through your meal
2. Eating as multitasking
3. Eating because you are bored or stressed
4. Cleaning your plate
5. Always having meat as your main course
If anyone wants to participate let me know and I'll pass along the paperwork and share the websites with you -- Looking forward to swimsuit season :)
Just Another Manic Week
Can I get a sigh of relief with a side of nap please?
Zoo project: done
Final Georgian lit paper topic: Done
Half-way through 4 books: Check
One last birthday hu-rah: Done
Every last dirty sock: Washed!
I am exhausted. And what's more is I can not figure out how Aiden is not equally exhausted.
After a grueling week at work last week and a busy busy weekend, he seems continually wound up while all I want to do is sleep for a day. Over the weekend, my room mate and I celebrated our birthdays together - mine being nearly two weeks ago and her's coming up on Wednesday, we decided to share the occasion with a magical trip to White Fenced Farm. As always, the corn fritters were stellar, the chicken - not so much. But it was a nice break with the ordinary and a chance to just hang out and be silly for a few hours.
The weather was so pleasant we even had a small fire in the back yard to celebrate the Spring evening we were enjoying so much.
Saturday evening, we headed to the lake to spend some time with Steve's parents, and mostly so Steve could hang out with his lake buddies. I was not feeling well at all after a massive allergy attack and spent the evening in bed and after the clean up on Saturday morning, boy am I glad because our house didn't even compare to the mess Steve and the rest of the pirates made overnight Saturday.
Sunday I decided to be as active as possible since I slept in so late the day before and was in bed like a lame-o all night. So, while at the lake, Aiden and Grandma and I took Kane Buggey for a walk. Aiden wanted to be in charge of the leash of course....
I can see the tangles starting... |
Not even sure who is leading who |
Finally in charge of this dog walking business |
Once we loaded up the car and hit the road, Aiden crashed. I knew I was in for it - I could sense the sleepiness coming off of Steven the whole way home and knew Aiden would be raring to go once we got there. I kissed my homework time good-bye and devised a plan to wear him out.
One of Aiden's favorite past times is riding his balance bike. Well, walking it really. Unless he puts the full force of his butt and body weight on the seat, the back wheel kind of drags behind and doesn't spin. This makes the whole activity much more tiresome for him, but he is usually so excited about it that he doesn't notice until he's done that he has had a massive work out.
So we set off, he "rode" his bike all the way to the park by himself, maybe a 1/2 mile distance, maybe. It took us an hour to get there because it was all uphill, and he kept stopping to ask if he could ride in the street, or to wait for me with the "One, Two, Three, GO!" cue.
Notice the hill and the determination in his face |
But the excitement goes on for miles! |
so excited he didn't even take his helmet off first |
Of course he goes head first, is there any other way? |
We only played for about thirty minutes since it started to get cloudy. I figured the ride home would be easier, going downhill - but then again I had to anticipate that the ride to the park plus the playing would catch up to him at some point. So we set off on our downhill journey - boy was I right. He got grumpy, and he stopped every 10 feet to ask why he couldn't ride his bike in the street, and I was carrying Aiden (who was unwilling to be carried) and his bike for the last block and a half. I'm not sure who got more exhausted...
Anyway, we got to use our grill for the first time Sunday night and had burgers together as a family. Aiden of course, spent the entire meal proving to me that my plan to tucker him out was not successful...
Go on, ham it up.... |
By the time he was in bed, I reflected to myself - holy cow, it starts all over again tomorrow?!? Luckily, this week marks my last Anthropology lecture (I get a week off before the final) and I will be meeting with my Georgian Lit professor to hammer out a solid thesis from that topic (slowly it will become a 10 page paper...) and if I am lucky at all I will get at least one book finished and be forced to choose my next read - I think I'll be going for and "easy-cheesy" title this time...
As always, I hope no one else's hair is falling out!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Did I really just survive that?
Fewf! What a weekend. On top of that, what a Monday. It's gonna be a crazy week....
Work has been extra busy the last week or so with all the regular work plus looking through resumes and interviewing. It all seems to take more trouble than it's worth, at this point I am so exhausted from the whole thing that I kind of just want to give up. But as they say, tomorrow is another day and maybe if we surrender the search the perfect person will show up - except the perfect person is leaving. Se la vie....
Anyway, Friday was a long one. I hate being the last to leave the office, especially on a Friday night, but there I was with a mound of crap at 4:30 and planning to take most of Monday off so I was stuck. Unfortunately, this led to being late to pick up Aiden, late packing Aiden, late feeding Aiden, and finally we decided to forgo our trip to Mom's until the morning. I was also extremely grumpy and all out of sorts all evening which led to one of the least enjoyable and relaxing Friday nights ever. It took a lot of coffee and punk rock tunes to get me ready to go snowboarding on Saturday morning.
I was a little worried when we passed Vail and the snow didn't look great but I would take a day like Saturday a million times again - it was 80 degrees on the mountain! The sun was shining, the snow was melting - which made for an awesome hop-a-long work-out when my board stuck in the snow, and I was riding blacks all day. I got so confident that I even tried to work on my toe-side a bit. Unfortunately, this ended in a bit of a knee injury and by the end of the day I could feel every muscle in my leg screaming at me. But again, I would take that day of riding a million more times if I could.
After we finished snowboarding we met Mom and Chris and Bubba at Adventure Ridge for some birthday tubing. Aiden was barely big enough to participate but he would have had to ride in his own inter-tube which I am pretty sure he would not have stood for one bit. So, he hung out at the bottom of the hill with Grandpa instead.
Work has been extra busy the last week or so with all the regular work plus looking through resumes and interviewing. It all seems to take more trouble than it's worth, at this point I am so exhausted from the whole thing that I kind of just want to give up. But as they say, tomorrow is another day and maybe if we surrender the search the perfect person will show up - except the perfect person is leaving. Se la vie....
Anyway, Friday was a long one. I hate being the last to leave the office, especially on a Friday night, but there I was with a mound of crap at 4:30 and planning to take most of Monday off so I was stuck. Unfortunately, this led to being late to pick up Aiden, late packing Aiden, late feeding Aiden, and finally we decided to forgo our trip to Mom's until the morning. I was also extremely grumpy and all out of sorts all evening which led to one of the least enjoyable and relaxing Friday nights ever. It took a lot of coffee and punk rock tunes to get me ready to go snowboarding on Saturday morning.
I was a little worried when we passed Vail and the snow didn't look great but I would take a day like Saturday a million times again - it was 80 degrees on the mountain! The sun was shining, the snow was melting - which made for an awesome hop-a-long work-out when my board stuck in the snow, and I was riding blacks all day. I got so confident that I even tried to work on my toe-side a bit. Unfortunately, this ended in a bit of a knee injury and by the end of the day I could feel every muscle in my leg screaming at me. But again, I would take that day of riding a million more times if I could.
After we finished snowboarding we met Mom and Chris and Bubba at Adventure Ridge for some birthday tubing. Aiden was barely big enough to participate but he would have had to ride in his own inter-tube which I am pretty sure he would not have stood for one bit. So, he hung out at the bottom of the hill with Grandpa instead.
Chasing Snowballs |
Climbing in the tube |
Checking out the view from the gondola |
A little worried about the height |
Anyway, after all the fun we could handle, we took in some dinner and cheesecake with Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate my birthday - I know, I am still celebrating, and not even done yet. Sadly, we didn't stay the night because I have been swamped with homework and had a house to clean, groceries to buy, food to make, and a book to read for book club on Sunday.
So. Much. Fun.
From now on, if anyone asks why I read - I think I will say, "Because it gives me an excuse to chat with the girls while drinking cocktails and munching delicious treats, why else would you read?"
Sunday night was so busy, even after book club, there were a million things to do. I finally got Aiden in bed at the end of the day and literally couldn't catch my breath because I was so worn out and so anxious about the upcoming week.
Monday morning, I took off from work because of a mandatory zoo project that I of course left to the last minute. Even though I whined and complained about having to go, it ended up being really exciting. I guess animals are much more fun to watch when you understand what exactly is happening, plus the infant Sumatran Orangutan was out with her mommy and they were training her mommy to train her. Being so early in the morning and so chilly, no one was there so I got some really good up close and personal time and I enjoyed talking with the trainer and got all kinds of extra notes for my paper - now I have to remind myself how to make computer generated pie charts. But that was supposed to be the worst part of the week and I survived it. So now, I am focused and determined to keep up on my reading - this month is gonna be tough but I will finish all the books on the nightstand by the time finals roll around, or pretend I did anyway...
For your enjoyment....
Friday, April 1, 2011
A Mommy Thing
![]() |
Betcha Can't Guess Who it is... |
Somebody's Hero
She's never pulled anyone from a burning building
She's never rocked Central Park to a half a million fans, screamin out her name
She's never hit a shot to win the game
She's never rocked Central Park to a half a million fans, screamin out her name
She's never hit a shot to win the game
She's never left her footprints on the moon
She's never made a solo, hot-air balloon ride, around the world
No, she's just your everyday, average girl
She's never made a solo, hot-air balloon ride, around the world
No, she's just your everyday, average girl
She's somebody's hero
A hero to her baby with a skinned up knee
A little kiss is all he needs
The Keeper of The Cheerios
The voice that brings Snow White to life
Bedtime stories every night
And that smile lets her know
She's somebody's hero
A hero to her baby with a skinned up knee
A little kiss is all he needs
The Keeper of The Cheerios
The voice that brings Snow White to life
Bedtime stories every night
And that smile lets her know
She's somebody's hero
She gets a check every week, she's a nine to five-er
She's also a waiter, a cook, and a taxi driver
For years to come, there at home, until the day her boy is grown
Givin all her love to him is her life's ambition
Someday soon she knows she'll miss him
But not today, those are tears of joy running down her face
Someday soon she knows she'll miss him
But not today, those are tears of joy running down her face
It hurts to let your babies go
When they look back she'll know
She's somebody's hero
When they look back she'll know
She's somebody's hero
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