Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In a Movie Rut...

Lately, I have sort of been floundering where movies are concerned. To me, a good movie can be just as rewarding as a good book, but the last thing that saw that really grabbed me had to have been over a month ago...(Monsters -->)

Anyway, the last few things I've watched have only been so-so (How do you know? Hereafter, Source Code, Remember Me, etc) that's not to say I haven't been entertained, but just not satisfied.

On the plus side, I am about to start watching the first and as I am told, "EPIC!" season of Walking Dead. Until then, I found some delectable treasures to hold me over! If you can't get to all of them, I highly recommend:

Granny O Grimm's Sleeping Beauty (about 6 minutes long)

Alma (5 minutes - creepy!)

Bunny Animation (about 4 minutes)

The whole set of them is at this link if you want to watch all 15:


1 comment:

Unknown said...

As far as movies go, there are some good ones coming out, but they're only in limited release, so I probably won't get to see them in theaters. One is called I think The Last Night. Sam Worthington and Keira Knightley. But I am positively tickled pink to go see Thor! I may be a comic book nerd, so that one's kind of a no brainer for me, but it looks so much better than a lot of the superhero/comic book crap that's come out in the past couple of years, so I think I'm justified.
You want suggestions for movies? I would definitely be the one to talk to. I watch 99.9% of the movie trailers that come out (seriously). Being unemployed causes you to develop weird obsessions, and movie trailers became one of mine that has carried over. As far as stuff that's already come out on video and what not, I'm a little slower because I pretty much wait until it comes on HBO :)