Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A funny conversation from dinner tonight

If you know Aiden at all, you know that his number one phrase/saying is, "Mommy?" (Mom says, "Yes my love?") "Choo Choo!"

Of course while eating dinner tonight, this came up, repeatedly. About the 15th time or so, Mommy switched things up...

Aiden, "Mommy?"
Mommy, "Yes Dear? - Wait!" Then I held my hand up in a 'stop in the name of love manner' and said, "Lemme guess..."

Steve intervened with, "Let him say it."

So I did, and he finished with, "Choo Choo!"

But then, something funny happened.

I said, "Aiden?" and prepared to follow up with 'choo choo!' But, I was interrupted.

Aiden raised his hand in a 'stop in the name of love manner' and said, "WEEEEEET! Mommy, weet!"

Touche Aiden, touche...

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